2,222 Make Up Funeral Committee For Moment of National Unity

24th November 2015

KBS News – video at link

Screen Shot 2015-11-25 at 4.40.55 PMThe national funeral committee for the funeral of former Korean president Gim Yeongsam has been confirmed. Their function is to carry out the wishes of the deceased [with respect to his funeral arrangements] – membership comprises 2,222 persons. Former president Gim Daejung’s funeral committee was a similar size, being just over 2,300 persons. According to convention, chairman [of Gim Daejung’s funeral committee] will take over the role for the Gim Yeongsam funeral. Gim Bongjo, former Democratic congressman and Dong Jihoe, former Vice-President [of Gim Yeongsam’s party] was included in the entourage in accordance with recommendations from the bereaved.

During his term of office president Gim brought [former dictators] Jeon Duhwan and No Taeu to court to stand trial.

Director-General of the UN Ban Gimun has also been invited. 1,004 members of the committee who have been recommended are survivors [of Jeon Duhwan and No Taeu’s dictatorial violence].

Gim Hyeyeong, Director-general for State Protocol at the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, said “[we] have followed best practice with regard to construction of the membership list [of the funeral committee], having customised the invitee list to reflect the wishes of the deceased’s family.” As the first funeral committee for a national figure to include representatives from various fields of society, its focus has been on integration and unity.

Analysis: as Korea’s first fully-democratically-elected president, Gim Yeongsam holds a special place in the country’s heart. A lifelong opponent of dictatorial rule who made significant personal sacrifices standing in opposition to Bak Jeonghee, Jeon Duhwan and No Taeu, Gim is being deeply mourned by the general Korean public. This article shows the current government’s anxiety to ensure that no criticism can be levelled against them for underplaying Gim’s funeral or anodysing his legacy (the current president, Bak Geunhye, is the daughter of previous dictator Bak Jeonghee) – by publicising the list of members of the funeral committee, which includes others who suffered during Korea’s ling struggle for democracy and has been influenced by Gim’s family, the current administration hopes to head off any potential criticism of the proceedings. More broadly the article also highlights the fact that the funerals of public figures are open to exploitation by powerful influences.

1,500 year old Baekje wooden fortress uncovered

Naver News

Screen Shot 2015-11-03 at 2.07.10 PMIn Anseong in Gyeonggi province a Baekje wood-walled castle, built between the 4th and 6th centuries, has been discovered. The fortress’ purpose was the block Goguryeo soldiers. Since September the Historical Culture Revival and Protection Association has been undertaking an excavation investigation in the neighbourhood of Dogi in Ansang city, with the result that traces were found of the barriers of the wood-walled castle.

The castle’s position abutting the foothills and the Anseong river provided defences, with 4 sections each running about 130 metres in length. [This structure] is one of the first heaped-earth fortresses with a framework made from the wooden stake barriers erected around it. Catching the eye is the interior built from a single row of earthworks and the exterior built from two rows of earthworks. The gaps between the laid woodpiles is around 4.5m – 5.5m. This toru style of earthwork is characterised by empty space dug behind it like a staircase, carved out of the outer surface of the hill – layered clay lumps [behind it] increase the strength of the wall.

Earthenware pottery, dishes and so on have been excavated from the mounds behind the fences, exhibiting the short neck and lid typical of the gupdari style from the 3rd-4th century of Baekje. A researcher said “up until the fourth century the framework and excavated remains are Baekje, but after this point a Goguryeo army seems to have occupied the castle; it has been possible for the first time to specifically gauge the structure of a Three Kingdoms barrier facility, so this ruin has been evaluated as being very important.”